Listen to the song and read the Spanish Lyrics and English Translation of “Rota” interpreted by Anaju.
About This Song
Artist: Anaju
Song: Rota
Translation: Broken
Genre: pop
Released Date: October 1, 2020
Click on the artist name, music genre or album’s name to see more translations.
English Translation
You break me when you provoke me
You break me when you behave like that
You leave me broken, you make me lose my mind
You leave me broken
You leave me broken
How many times have you thought of me?
How many times have I left?
How many times have I taken you?
How many times have you lied to me?
And I’m still here
And I’m still here
And I’m still here
You break me when you provoke me
You break me when you behave like that
You leave me broken, you make me lose my mind
You leave me broken
You leave me broken
And I’m still here
And I’m still here
And I’m still here
And I’m still here
Spanish Lyrics
Me dejas rota cuando me provocas
Me dejas rota si así te comportas
Me dejas rota, mi mente alborotas
Me dejas rota
Me dejas rota
¿Cuántas veces me has pensa’o?
¿Cuántas veces me he pira’o?
¿Cuántas veces te he lleva’o?
¿Cuántas veces me has mentido ya?
Y sigo aquí
Y sigo aquí
Y sigo aquí
Me dejas rota cuando me provocas
Me dejas rota si así te comportas
Me dejas rota, mi mente alborotas
Me dejas rota
Me dejas rota
Y sigo aquí
Y sigo aquí
Y sigo aquí
Y sigo aquí
Credits: Original Lyrics were taken from and we translated this song from Spanish to English. |
Official audio for Anaju “Rota” is available on:
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