Listen to the song and read the Spanish Lyrics and English Translation of “No Me Interesa” interpreted by Banda MS.
About This Song
Artist: Banda MS
Song: No Me Interesa
Translation: I don’t mind
Genres: regional mexican music
Album: El Trabajo Es La Suerte
Released Date: August 14, 2020
Click on the artist name, music genre or album’s name to see more translations.
English Translation
Whether if I am or I am not
With someone, with many, with nobody is not your business
You already lost the opportunity to be something important for me and to be among my priorities
Speaking clear, I don’t care
If you are doing well or badly
Or if you’ve considered to start over again
You are going to waste time, with me there’s no such possibility
You already lost me and you won’t find me
As hard as you try, you’ll never get me
When you had a chance, you wasted it
I don’t forget how bad you treated me
You already lost me and keep that on mind
Whatever you do, everything will be in vain
And put them upside down, pray to whom you want to
But coming back to you is not something that interests me
You already lost me and you won’t find me
As hard as you try, you’ll never get me
When you had a chance, you wasted it
I don’t forget how bad you treated me
You already lost me and keep that on mind
Whatever you do, everything will be in vain
And put them upside down, pray to whom you want to
But coming back to you is not something that interests me
Spanish Lyrics
A ti que te dé igual si estoy o no estoy
Con alguien, con muchas, con nadie
Ya perdiste la oportunidad de ser algo importante y de figurar entre mis prioridades
La verdad, me vale
Si te está yendo bien o mal
O si has considerado volver a empezar
Vas a perder el tiempo, conmigo no está esa posibilidad
Tú a mí ya me perdiste y no vas a encontrarme
Por más que lo intentes, nunca estaré a tu alcance
Cuando tuviste chanza, la desaprovechaste
A mí no se me olvida lo mal que me trataste
Tú a mí ya me perdiste y ten eso muy claro
Que hagas lo que hagas todo va a ser en vano
Y ponlos de cabeza, a quién tú quieras reza
Pero volver contigo no es algo que me interesa
Tú a mí ya me perdiste y no vas a encontrarme
Por más que lo intentes, nunca estaré a tu alcance
Cuando tuviste chanza, la desaprovechaste
A mí no se me olvida lo mal que me trataste
Tú a mí ya me perdiste y ten eso muy claro
Que hagas lo que hagas todo va a ser en vano
Y ponlos de cabeza, a quién tú quieras reza
Pero volver contigo no es algo que me interesa
Credits: Original Lyrics were taken from the original lyric video and we translated this song from Spanish to English. |
Official album for Banda MS “El Trabajo Es La Suerte” is available on:
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