Listen to the song and read the Spanish Lyrics and English translation of “Hong Kong” interpreted by C. Tangana feat. AndrĂ©s Calamaro.
About This Song
Artist: C. Tangana
Featuring: Andrés Calamaro
Song: Hong Kong
Translation: Hong Kong
Genre: pop
Album: El Madrileño
Release Date: February 23, 2021
Click on the artist name, music genre or album’s name to see more translations.
English Translation
Are you gonna take everything with you?
What is not in Hong Kong doesn’t exi-
What is not in Hong Kong is because doesn’t exist
We went out for tobacco
We came back without tobacco or lighter
We drank even the water of the vase
That was worse than Puerto Hurraco
I hate people that is bored
So many time before the night ends
We separated the cocaine with a razor
On the hood of your car
I got a flower on my ass and a drug dealer on Hong Kong
I got a rocket in my trousers
I got a flower on my ass and a jeisha in Japan
And your lil’ flags in my heart
Let’s make it seem an accident
And say that I don’t gotta go home
I hope it lasts forever
We know how to have fun in boring places
Stories that I’m gonna never tell
Battle that can’t be repeated
Victories for who stayed
What the point to regret about it?
I got a flower on my ass and a drug dealer on Hong Kong
I got a rocket in my trousers
I got a flower on my ass and a jeisha in Japan
And your lil’ flags in my heart
I got a flower on my ass and a drug dealer on Hong Kong
I got a rocket in my trousers
I got a flower on my ass and a jeisha in Japan
And your lil’ flags in my heart
Meaning of ‘I got a flower on my ass‘ (Tengo una flor en el culo): In Spain, “Tener una flor en el culo” is used to describe some one who is lucky or easily gets out of messy situations. Comment by Ryan.
Spanish Lyrics
Te vas a llevar todo
Lo que no hay en Hong Kong no exi—
Lo que no hay en Hong Kong es que no existe
Salimos a la calle por tabaco
Volvimos sin tabaco ni mechero
Bebimos hasta el agua del florero
Aquello fue peor que Puerto Hurraco
Me cago en las personas que se rajan
Muy antes de que se acabe la noche
Peinábamos perico con navaja
En el salpicadero de tu coche
Tengo una flor en el cul0 y un camello en Hong Kong
Tengo un cohete en el pantalĂłn
Tengo una flor en el cul0 y una geisha en JapĂłn
Tus banderillas en el corazĂłn
Hagamos que parezca un accidente
Decirme que no tengo que ir a casa
Espero que esto dure para siempre
Sabemos qué es torear en peores plazas
Historias que jamás pueden contarse
Batallas que no pueden repetirse
Victorias para el que supo quedarse
ÂżPa’ quĂ© cojones sirve arrepentirse?
Tengo una flor en el cul0 y un camello en Hong Kong
Tengo un cohete en el pantalĂłn
Tengo una flor en el cul0 y una geisha en JapĂłn
Tus banderillas en el corazĂłn
Tengo una flor en el cul0 y un camello en Hong Kong
Tengo un cohete en el pantalĂłn
Tengo una flor en el cul0 y una geisha en JapĂłn
Tus banderillas en el corazĂłn
Credits: Original Lyrics were taken from and we translated this song from Spanish to English. |
External Links
Official album for C. Tangana “El Madrileño” is available on:
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In Spain, “Tener una flor en el culo” is used to describe some one who is lucky or easily gets out of messy situations
Thank you for the clarification. I will use your words since I don’t know a similar idiom in English.