Listen to the song and read the Romanized Lyrics of “Stay With Me” originally interpreted by Miki Matsubara and covered by Chris Andrian Yang.
About This Song
Originally Interpreted by: Miki Matsubara
Covered by: Chris Andrian Yang
Song: Stay With Me ‘真夜中のドア’
Genre: j-pop
Release Date: February 8, 2021
Click on the artist name, music genre or album’s name to see more translations.
There are two translations available of the original song, you can read them on: 1st Translation (w/ Romaji Lyrics) and 2nd Translation (English Translation only).
Romaji Lyrics
Watashi wa watashi, anata wa anata to
Yuube iiareta sonna ki mo suru wa
Gurei no jaketto ni
Mioboe ga aru kouhii no shimi
Aikawarazu na no ne
Shou uindou ni futari utsureba
Stay with me
Mayonaka no doa o tataki
Kaeranaide to naita
Ano kisetsu ga ima me no mae
Stay with me
Kuchiguse wo ii nagara
Futari no toki wo daite
Mada wasurezu daiji ni shite ita
Koi to ai to wa chigau monoda yo to
Yuube iiareta sonna ki mo suru wa
Nidome no fuyu ga kite
Hanarete itta anata no kokoro
Furi kaereba itsumo
Soko ni anata wo kanjite ita no
Stay with me
Mayonaka no doa o tataki
Kaeranaide to naita
Ano kisetsu ga ima me no mae
Stay with me
Kuchiguse wo ii nagara
Futari no toki wo daite
Mada wasurezu atatameteta
Mada wasurezu atatameteta
Credits: Romaji Lyrics were taken from the original video. |
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Wanna more English Translations?
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