Listen to the song and read the Spanish Lyrics and English Translation of “Nace Un Borracho” interpreted by Christian Nodal.
About This Song
Artist: Christian Nodal
Song: Nace Un Borracho
Translation: A Drunk Is Born
Genre: regional mexican music
Album: AYAYAY! (Deluxe Version)
Released Date: September 11, 2020
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English Translation
From now on
I’m going to put a full stop to my losing streak
It’s not funny to see how the pain overcomes me
But it doesn’t matter if no one values the fact of being a good person
I have lose the count of those ones that leave me
Nowadays do things bad is good
Those ones that love truly are every time less
That’s why people that pay attention to details die for love
And other drunk is born good to drink alcohol
Nowadays being unfaithful is a trend
No one values the good feelings
My desires of fall in love again went away
Since I’m only thinking on when people is gonna betray me
Today this guy dies and a drunk is born
Nowadays do things bad is good
Those ones that love truly are every time less
That’s why people that pay attention to details die for love
And other drunk is born good to drink alcohol
Nowadays being unfaithful is a trend
No one values the good feelings
My desires of fall in love again went away
Since I’m only thinking on when people is gonna betray me
Today this guy dies and a drunk is born
Spanish Lyrics
A partir de ahora
Le voy a poner punto final a esta racha
No es nada divertido ver cómo el dolor me aracha
Igual nadie valora el ser buena persona
Ya perdí la cuenta de las que me abandonan
Hoy en día hacer las cosas mal es bueno
Los que mejor amamos cada vez ya somos menos
Por eso hoy muere tanto detallista por amor
Y nace otro borracho bueno pa’ tomar alcohol
Hoy en día ser infiel está de moda
Los buenos sentimientos nomás nadie los valora
Sе me fueron las ganas de volvеr a enamorarme
Pues nomás ‘toy pensando cuándo van a traicionarme
Hoy muere este muchacho y nace un borracho
Hoy en día hacer las cosas mal es bueno
Los que mejor amamos cada vez ya somos menos
Por eso hoy muere tanto detallista por amor
Y nace otro borracho bueno pa’ tomar alcohol
Hoy en día ser infiel está de moda
Los buenos sentimientos nomás nadie los valora
Se me fueron las ganas de volver a enamorarme
Pues nomás ‘toy pensando cuándo van a traicionarme
Hoy muere este muchacho y nace un borracho
Credits: Original lyrics were taken from and we translated this song from Spanish to English. |
Official album for Christian Nodal “AYAYAY! (Deluxe Version)” is available on:
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