Here we show you the English Translation of “Hino da Fiorentina (ITA) Hinos de Futebol
“. Lyrics translated from Spanish to English.
About This Song
Country/organization: Hinos de Futebol
Anthem: Hino da Fiorentina (ITA) Hinos de Futebol
Category: Anthems
Hino da Fiorentina (ITA) Hinos de Futebol
English Translation
Raise the purple banner to the wind,
on the fields of challenge and valor,
a living hope consoles us,
we have eleven athletes and one heart:
“Oh, Fiorentina,
we want you to be queen of all teams,
oh, Fiorentina,
fight boldly and with valor everywhere,
in times of despair and victory,
remember that you have the history of football.
Purple jersey fights with valor,
to be the pride and glory of Florence,
on your banner write: “Strength and Heart”,
and victory will always be ours:
“Oh, Fiorentina…”
Go Fiorentina!!!!! Alè Viola!!!!