Here we show you the English Translation of “Hino from Florianópolis Hinos from Cidades
“. Lyrics translated from Spanish to English.
About This Song
Country/organization: Hinos de Cidades
Anthem: Hino from Florianópolis Hinos from Cidades
Category: Anthems
Hino from Florianópolis Hinos from Cidades
English Translation
“A piece of land,
lost in the sea!…
In a piece of land,
unparalleled beauty…
Never has nature
gathered so much beauty
never has any poet
had so much to sing!
In a piece of land
unparalleled beauties!
Island of the flirtatious girl,
of the old traditional lace maker
Island of the old fig tree
where on a pleasant afternoon
I will read my newspaper.
Your beautiful lagoon
tenderness of a rose
poem in the moonlight,
crystal where the vain moon
coyly, affectionately
comes to mirror itself…”