Listen to the song and read the Spanish lyrics and English translation of “Iguana” interpreted by INNA.
About This Song
Artist: INNA
Song: Iguana
Genre: pop
Album: YO
Released Date: July 5, 2018
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English Translation
Tell her that you want me
And tell her that you love me
Tell her that you want me
And tell her that you love me
I arrived at the carnival in the morning
And I’m right here, looking for you like if I were an iguana
And I can’t walk anymore
And I can’t walk anymore
And I can’t walk anymore
If you lost me and you’re missing me now
Tell her that there’s no any other like me
This rhythm is killing me
I’m getting tired of your attitude
I’m fire and she’s wax
I know that you’ll despair later
I’m still dancing without you
(I’m still dancing without you)
Tell her that you want me
And tell her that you love me
I’m running out of all the desire
I won’t look for you the next weekend
Because I want to walk again
Because I want to walk again
Because I want to walk again
I’m still dancing without you
(I’m still dancing without you)
I’m still dancing without you
(I’m still dancing without you)
Like if I were an iguana
I look for you at night
I look for you at night
And at beach in the morning
Like if I were an iguana
I look for you at night
I look for you at night
I look for you at-
I can’t hear anymore
It’s my turn to dance
It’s my turn to dance
Yeah, it’s my turn to dance
I’m still dancing without you
(I’m still dancing without you)
I’m still dancing without you
(I’m still dancing without you)
Tell her that you want me
And tell her that you love me
Spanish Lyrics
Dile que tú me quieres
Y dile que tú me amas
Dile que tú me quieres
Y dile que tú me amas
Llego pa’ carnaval en la mañana
Aquí estoy buscándote como una iguana
Y ya no puedo caminar
Y ya no puedo caminar
Y ya no puedo caminar
Si tú me perdiste, pero ya me extrañaste
Díselo, que no hay otra más como yo
Este ritmo me está matando
Tu actitud me está cansando
Yo soy más fuego, ella es de cera
Yo sé que luego desesperas
Sigo bailando sin ti
(Sigo bailando sin ti)
Dile que tú me quieres
Y dile que tú me amas
Ya se me está acabando todas las ganas
Yo no te vuelvo a buscar otro fin de semana
Porque ya quiero caminar
Porque ya quiero caminar
Porque ya quiero caminar
Sigo bailando sin ti
(Sigo bailando sin ti)
Sigo bailando sin ti
(Sigo bailando sin ti)
Como una iguana
Te busco en la noche
Te busco en la noche
Y el día en la playa
Como una iguana
Te busco en la noche
Te busco en la noche
Te busco en–
Ya no puedo escuchar
A mí me toca a bailar
A mí me toca a bailar
Sí, me toca a bailar
Sigo bailando sin ti
(Sigo bailando sin ti)
Sigo bailando sin ti
(Sigo bailando sin ti)
Dile que tú me quieres
Y dile que tú me amas
Credits: Original Lyrics were taken from and we translated this song from Spanish to English. |
Official album for INNA “YO” is available on:
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