Listen to the song and read the Romanized Lyrics of “Stay With Me (略過)” interpreted by LAY.
About This Song
Artist: LAY
Song: Stay With Me (略過)
Genre: c-pop
Album: Producer
Release Date: February 5, 2021
Click on the artist name, musical genre or album’s name to see more translations.
Pinyin/Romanized Lyrics
Lùdēng huǎn huǎn lā kāi wǒmen
Zhìxí de qìfēn
Xīnsuān què fèiténg
Mò bùzuò shēng
Bǐ shāng hái gèng téng
Xiān bié zhuǎnshēn
Děng yī děng tīng wǒ shuō
Rúguǒ ràng wǒ bǎ tòng lüèguò
Cuò bù tuītuō kě yǒu bùtóng jiéguǒ
Nàme ràng wǒ lèi lüèguò
Shìfǒu xìngfú jiù bù huì pángluò
Zuì pà wújí’érzhōng
Zài méi lǐyóu bǎ nǐ chùdòng
Xiàng chéngshì de yèkōng kōng dàng dé
Wú zhùchéng guòkè xiǎng biànbó
Rúguǒ ràng wǒ bǎ tòng lüèguò
Cuò bù tuītuō kě yǒu bùtóng jiéguǒ
Nàme ràng wǒ lèi lüèguò
Shìfǒu xìngfú jiù bù huì pángluò
Shǒuzhōng yī luò wǎngrì xìnfēng
Yǐjīng zhuāng mǎn nǐ wǒ
Huíyì dàyǔ pāngtuó wēnróu de shǔluo
Wèishéme fēi zǒu bùkě
Rúguǒ ràng wǒ bǎ tòng lüèguò
Cuò bù tuītuō kě yǒu bùtóng jiéguǒ
Nàme ràng wǒ lèi lüèguò
Shìfǒu xìngfú jiù bù huì pángluò
Credits: The Romanized Lyrics were transcribed automatically through the Google Translator. |
External Links
Official album for LAY “Producer” is available on:
Follow LAY on:
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