Listen to the song and read the Spanish Lyrics and English Translation of “Corazón Sin Vida” interpreted by Aitana feat. Sebastián Yatra.
About This Song
Artist: Aitana
Featuring: Sebastián Yatra
Song: Corazón Sin Vida
Translation: Lifeless Heart
Genre: pop
Released Date: October 2, 2020
Click on the artist name, music genre or album’s name to see more translations.
English Translation
You left me alone, but I never told you anything
You made me fall in love, but I never told you anything
Why did you heal me when I was hurted
If you leave me again a lifeless heart, ah
Take your kisses, I give them back to you
I won’t be easy to forget you, I confess it
Take your letters, I give them back to you
With the words you wrote in every verse
Tell me why did you heal me when I was hurted?
If you leave me again a lifeless heart, ah
A heart that doesn’t forget you, ah-ah-ah
A heart that doesn’t forget you, ah-ah-ah, ah
The sea hurts a lot when the it’s in the half
I never learned to swim, you neither to fly
When we stopped talking, the illusion was gone
With this song I’m feeling like calling you
Perhaps I had to tell you that I’m really sorry
That it was me who left and the breeze carried me away
And though I know that you’re with someone else now
You try to find yourself in my songs all the time
Today you write me again without a second thought
And I talk to you again without a second thought
Like if swimming in tears heal
And that sea that took you away is pulling us closer
Take your kisses, I give them back to you
I won’t be easy to forget you, I confess it
Take your letters, I give them back to you
With the words you wrote in every verse
Tell me why did you heal me when I was hurted?
If you leave me again a lifeless heart, ah
A heart that doesn’t forget you, ah-ah-ah
A heart that doesn’t forget you, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
A heart that doesn’t forget you, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
A heart that doesn’t forget you, ah-ah-ah-ah
Take your kisses, I give them back to you
I won’t be easy to forget you, I confess it
Take your letters, I give them back to you
With the words you wrote in every verse
Tell me why did you heal me when I was hurted?
If you leave me again a lifeless heart, ah
A heart that doesn’t forget you, ah-ah-ah
A heart that doesn’t forget you, ah-ah-ah, ah
Spanish Lyrics
Tú me dejaste, pero nunca te dije nada
Me enamoraste, pero nunca te dije nada
¿Para qué me curaste cuando estaba herida?
Si hoy me dejas de nuevo un corazón sin vida, ah
Toma tus besos, te los regreso
No será fácil olvidarte, lo confieso
Toma tus cartas, te las regreso
Con las palabras que escribiste en cada verso
Dime para qué me curaste cuando estaba herida
Si hoy me dejas dе nuevo un corazón sin vida, ah
Un corazón que no te olvida, ah-ah-ah
Un corazón que no te olvida, ah-ah-ah, ah
Tanto daño que hace el mar cuando está a la mitad
Yo nunca aprendí a nadar, tú tampoco a volar
Cuando dejamos de hablar se nos fue la ilusión
Cuántas ganas de llamarte me da esta canción
Quizás faltó decirte que lo siento
Que fui yo el que me alejé y me llevó el viento
Y aunque sé que estás con alguien de momento
Te buscas en mis canciones todo el tiempo
Hoy me vuelves a escribir como si nada
Y otra vez te vuelvo a hablar como si nada
Como si nadar en lágrimas curara
Y ese mar que te alejó no acercara
Toma tus besos, te los regreso
No será fácil olvidarte, lo confieso
Toma tus cartas, te las regreso
Con las palabras que escribiste en cada verso
Dime para qué me curaste cuando estaba herida
Si hoy me dejas dе nuevo un corazón sin vida, ah
Un corazón que no te olvida, ah-ah-ah
Un corazón que no te olvida, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Un corazón que no te olvida, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Un corazón que no te olvida, ah-ah-ah-ah
Toma tus besos, te los regreso
No será fácil olvidarte, lo confieso
Toma tus cartas, te las regreso
Con las palabras que escribiste en cada verso
Dime para qué me curaste cuando estaba herida
Si hoy me dejas de nuevo un corazón sin vida, ah
Un corazón que no te olvida, ah-ah-ah
Un corazón que no te olvida, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah
Credits: Original Lyrics were taken from and we translated this song from Spanish to English. |
Official audio for Aitana “Corazón Sin Vida” is available on:
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