Listen to the song and read the Spanish Lyrics and English Translation of “Con la Falta Que Me Haces” interpreted by Reik.
About This Song
Artist: Reik
Song: Con la Falta Que Me Haces
Genre: pop
Album: 20/21 -EP
Released Date: August 13, 2020
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English Translation
I think about you at dawn
I miss you so much
You covert nothing into everything
Everything and then you undo me
I thought that life would give me, but it was the opposite
If I don’t have you, I don’t have anything
I thought that your love would stay
What will I do without you if you’re my all
I’m looking forward to a hug from you
I miss you so much
If God is never wrong, then tell me how to understand
Explain me if I was who left or if it was you
What happened to us? It was you or me?
How much I owed to fate
How much I heal being with you
I thought that life would give me, but it was the opposite
If I don’t have you, I don’t have anything (Mmm-mmm)
I thought that your love would stay
What will I do without you if you’re my all
I’m looking forward to a hug from you
I miss you so much
I miss you so much
Spanish Lyrics
Te pienso con la madrugada
Con la falta que me haces
Haces de la nada todo
Todo y luego me deshaces
Pensar que la vida le daba y a mí solo me quitaba
Si no estás tú no tengo nada
Pensaba que tu amor sería donde a casa llegaría
¿Qué hago sin ti? Si eres mi vida
Con las ganas que me abraces
Con la falta que me haces
Si Dios no se equivoca entonces dime cómo comprender
Explícame si me soltaste o te solté
¿Qué nos pasó? ¿Fuiste o fui yo?
Cuánto le debía al destino
Cuánto que contigo se curó
Pensaba que la vida daba y a mí sólo me quitaba
Si no estás tú no tengo nada (Mmm-mmm)
Pensaba que tu amor sería donde a casa llegaría
¿Qué hago sin ti? Si eres mi vida
Con las ganas que me abraces
Con la falta que me haces
Con la falta que me haces
Credits: Original Lyrics were taken from and we translated this song from Spanish to English. |
Official audio for Reik “Con La Falta Que Me Haces” is available on:
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