Here we show you the English Translation of “They Say He Is The King Of Cups The Imperial Guard
“. Lyrics translated from Spanish to English.
About This Song
Country/organization: La Guardia Imperial
Anthem: They Say He Is The King Of Cups The Imperial Guard
Category: Anthems
They Say He Is The King Of Cups The Imperial Guard
English Translation
They say that he is the king of cups, that he is the pride of Argentina
But he plays for Independiente and those stands are empty
Tell me what’s happening, they never fill the popular section
With that shitty fan base, in a few years they won’t exist anymore
The red team no longer exists, no longer exists, no longer exists
The red team no longer exists, no longer exists, no longer exists
The red team no longer exists, no longer exists, no longer exists
The red team no longer exists, no longer exists, no longer exists