Listen to the song and read the Spanish Lyrics and English Translation of “Karmadame” interpreted by Zoé.
About This Song
Artist: Zoé
Song: Karmadame
Genre: rock
Album: Sonidos de Karmática Resonancia
Released Date: September 10, 2020
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English Translation
You have to let everything fit on its place
You have to let go what you are afraid of losing
You have to cry if that helps you to heal
Stop of waiting, time won’t come back
Everything will change, don’t resist to grow
Surrender to love and just let yourself be carried away by it
I was your king, I was your slave
I was your saint, I was your devil
I was your wife, I was your brother
I was your tree
There’s a darkness that you pretend to ignore
Nothing will change if you always do the same
Get out of your comfort zone and start all over again
I was your king, I was your slave
I was your saint, I was your devil
I was your wife, I was your brother
I was your tree
I was your wife, I was your brother (You were the air that you breathe)
I was your skin, I was your boat (You were my sun, you were my love, you were my skin)
I was your blood, I was your space (Your were my queen, you were my saint, you were my back)
I was your tears, I was your shoulder (I were my everything, you were my god)
I was your lake
Spanish Lyrics
Tienes que dejar que todo caiga en su lugar
Tienes que soltar eso que más temes perder
Tienes que llorar si eso te ayuda a sanar
Deja de esperar que el tiempo no va a regresar
Todo cambiará, no te resistas a crecer
Ríndete al amor y sólo déjate llevar
Fui tu rey, fui tu esclavo
Fui tu santo, fui tu diablo
Fui tu mujer, fui tu hermano
Fui tu árbol
Vaya obscuridad, la que pretendes ignorar
Nada cambiará si haces sólo siempre lo mismo
Sal de tu confort y empieza todo otra vez
Fui tu rey, fui tu esclavo
Fui tu santo, fui tu diablo
Fui tu mujer, fui tu hermano
Fui tu árbol
Fui tu mujer, fui tu hermano (Fuiste el aire que respiras)
Fui tu piel, fui tu barco (Fuiste mi sol, fuiste mi amor, fuiste mi piel)
Fui tu sangre, fui tu espacio (Fuiste mi reina, fuiste mi santa, fuiste mi espalda)
Fui tus lágrimas, fui tu hombro (Fuiste mi todo, fuiste mi Dios)
Fui tu lago
Credits: Original lyrics were taken from and we translated this song from Spanish to English. |
Official audio for Zoé “Karmadame” is available on:
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